June 1, 2024

Complete Guide on How to Use Chat GPT to Grade Essays

Are you a teacher drowning in endless stacks of papers to grade? Do you wish you had tools for teachers to streamline the grading process and save time on grading school work using AI? Look no further! This blog will explore how to use Chat GPT to grade essays efficiently and effortlessly. Imagine the relief of having an AI essay grader to help you tackle your grading workload while ensuring accuracy and consistency.

EssayGrader is an AI essay grader that can significantly enhance your grading process. This tool is designed to help you save time on grading school work using AI, automating the evaluation of essays, providing valuable feedback, and facilitating a more efficient grading workflow. Say goodbye to tedious manual grading and hello to a seamless, time-saving solution.

How Long Does It Take to Grade an Essay?

person wondering How To Use Chat GPT To Grade Essays

Factors Influencing Manual Grading Time

Grading an essay thoroughly can be a time-consuming process for human graders. Several factors can influence the grading time, including the length and complexity of the essay, the subject matter being discussed, and the experience level of the grader. Longer essays typically require more time to read and evaluate, as there is more content to assess. Complex essays that involve nuanced arguments, multiple perspectives, or technical language may take longer to grade due to the need for careful consideration and analysis.

Influence of Subject Matter on Grading Time

The subject matter of the essay can also impact grading time. Suppose the grader is unfamiliar with the topic or lacks expertise in the subject area. In that case, they may need to spend more time researching and understanding the content before assigning a grade. Conversely, if the grader is well-versed in the subject matter, they may be able to evaluate the essay more quickly and confidently.

Effect of Grader's Experience on Evaluation Speed

The grader's experience level can affect grading time. Novice graders may take longer to evaluate essays as they develop their understanding of grading criteria and standards. In contrast, experienced graders who have assessed numerous essays may be able to identify strengths and weaknesses in student writing quickly.

Inconsistencies and Biases in Manual Grading

Manual grading can also lead to inconsistencies and biases in the evaluation process. Graders may inadvertently favor certain writing styles, arguments, or perspectives, leading to inconsistent grading across essays. Graders may be influenced by the time of day, personal mood, or recent events, impacting their judgment and grading decisions.

Biases related to student demographics, background, or previous performance can also influence grading outcomes. Graders may unknowingly assign higher or lower grades based on factors such as gender, race, or socioeconomic status, rather than focusing solely on the quality of the writing. These biases can result in unfair or inaccurate grading, affecting student outcomes and perceptions of their writing abilities.

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How Can ChatGPT Help With Essay Grading?

AI apps on phone - How To Use Chat GPT To Grade Essays

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can significantly simplify essay grading for educators and students. It acts as a digital assistant, providing valuable feedback on various aspects of an essay, including structure, coherence, grammar, and style. Leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT can lead to faster and more consistent evaluations, reducing the time spent on grading.

How ChatGPT Grades Essays

ChatGPT utilizes its advanced capabilities to assess essays comprehensively:

Grammar and Syntax

The tool scans the essay for grammatical errors, offering corrective suggestions for issues like subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and sentence structure. This helps enhance the essay's overall readability and clarity.

Coherence and Flow

ChatGPT evaluates the logical progression of ideas within the essay, ensuring smooth transitions between paragraphs. This aspect is crucial for maintaining reader engagement and comprehensibility.

Content Relevance

It gauges the essay's alignment with the given prompt, analyzing whether the content adequately addresses the topic at hand. This helps ensure that the arguments and examples presented are relevant and coherent.

Vocabulary and Style

The AI tool offers feedback on vocabulary use, encouraging the incorporation of varied and sophisticated language while emphasizing the importance of maintaining clarity in the writing style.

Plagiarism Detection

Although not its primary function, ChatGPT can be integrated with plagiarism detection tools to verify the originality of the essays submitted. This aids in upholding academic integrity and authenticity in student submissions.

By integrating ChatGPT into the grading process, educators can streamline the evaluation process and provide constructive feedback to students promptly. This facilitates improving writing skills while ensuring a fair and consistent assessment approach. By leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT, educators can optimize their grading workflow, improving efficiency and effectiveness in the educational process. 

AI Essay Grader

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 30,000+ educators worldwide. On average it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, with EssayGrader that time is cut down to 30 seconds That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. 

With EssayGrader, Teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics (so AI doesn't have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria)
  • Setup fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our Essay summarizer 

Primary school, high school, and even college professors grade their students' essays with the help of our AI tool. Over half a million essays were graded by 30,000+ teachers on our platform. Save 95% of your time for grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds. 

Get started for free today!

Complete Guide on How to Use Chat GPT to Grade Essays

AI brain on chatgpt logo - How To Use Chat GPT To Grade Essays

To start scoring essays with ChatGPT you'll have to register first. So head over to https://chat.openai.com and sign up. The default plan is free, and even though it's far worse than the paid one, if you agree to invest time in checking and refining, it's going to be sufficient.

From now on, the process is simple. 

Providing Instructions to ChatGPT

"You are an ELA Teacher. Your goal is to grade the essay after  according to these criteria: 


2. You give detailed feedback on how each aspect of the essay could be improved with the references to the text. 

3. You only use the information that exists in the text, don't make things up. 

4. You grade on a scale from [INSERT YOUR GRADING SCALE]. 

5. Think step-by-step. ###[INSERT THE ESSAY TEXT HERE]"

After you've checked the result, copy it into a separate doc and keep it for your reference. Since you're not grading the papers manually, you want to keep the feedback you provide at hand to familiarize yourself in case the student or parents have questions. 

Interpreting and Utilizing Feedback

Even though it looks credible, I strongly encourage you to read it and ask for clarification. The free ChatGPT model is notorious for making lies look very trustworthy, so you never know until you fact-check it. A good idea is to at least ask the "Are you sure?" question a few times. If the answers don't differ much, chances are that the bot is not lying. 

Efficiency of Using ChatGPT Plus and EssayGrader AI for Grading

Considering the cost of time and energy, it might be a better investment to use the paid ChatGPT plan (called ChatGPT plus) to avoid having to check feedback for 'hallucinations'. Or even better, use a specialized tool such as EssayGrader AI that can grade multiple papers in bulk and save them in a doc file for you, decreasing the amount of time required for grading the whole class to mere minutes. 

Streamlining the Essay Grading Process with AI Tools

This is exactly how you mark essays with AI, using ChatGPT. As you can see, it might get really tedious really fast because of the amount of copy-pasting and reading it involves. That's why considering the cost of time and energy, it might be a better investment to use the paid ChatGPT plan (called ChatGPT plus) to avoid having to check feedback for 'hallucinations'. Or even better, use a specialized tool such as EssayGrader AI that can grade multiple papers in bulk and save them in a doc file for you, decreasing the amount of time required for grading the whole class to mere minutes.

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5 Tips for Using ChatGPT as an Efficient Grading Assistant

teacher assistant working from cafe - How To Use Chat GPT To Grade Essays

1. Transparency is Key in ChatGPT Assistance

Transparency is everything when using ChatGPT to grade essays. Let your students know how you're using this tool to assist in grading their work. It's vital to let them in on the process and the prompts you're using. Encourage them to share their prompts with you for feedback before submitting their work. You want them to understand how ChatGPT can help them improve their writing, and that openness goes both ways.

2. Tweak Your Prompts for Better Results

Making minor tweaks to your prompts can yield better results for you. Be as detailed as you can, and use the language you want ChatGPT to echo in its responses. Treat ChatGPT as a partner; keep adjusting your prompts and expectations. Have a dialogue with ChatGPT, and ensure it understands your requirements. Pause occasionally during the exchange to confirm understanding and make sure ChatGPT is on the right track.

3. Providing Examples for ChatGPT to Follow

If you have specific feedback patterns you prefer, share them with ChatGPT. Offering a few feedback examples can help ChatGPT understand your expectations and communicate with your students as intended. By giving clear examples, you guide ChatGPT on how it can provide feedback that aligns with your grading standards.

4. Consider Upgrading to ChatGPT Plus

If you're using the free version and encounter limitations, think about upgrading for more tokens. With ChatGPT Plus, you'll find that the tool is more responsive and efficient. This upgrade can eliminate delays, interruptions mid-sentence, or sluggish performance. It's a worthwhile investment for a smoother grading experience.

5. Your Responsibility in Grading with ChatGPT

As the teacher, you're ultimately in charge of the grading and feedback process, not ChatGPT. After ChatGPT generates its feedback, it's your duty to review, adjust, edit, or revise it as needed. The final responsibility lies with you to ensure that you deliver accurate, constructive, and meaningful feedback to your students.

6 Best Alternatives to ChatGPT for Essay Grading

person taking guidance on phone - How To Use Chat GPT To Grade Essays

1. EssayGrader

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 30,000+ educators worldwide. On average it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, with EssayGrader that time is cut down to 30 seconds That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. 

With EssayGrader, Teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics (so AI doesn't have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria)
  • Setup fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our Essay summarizer 

Primary school, high school, and even college professors grade their students' essays with the help of our AI tool. Over half a million essays were graded by 30,000+ teachers on our platform. Save 95% of your time for grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds. 

Get started for free today!

2. Gradescope

Gradescope by Turnitin is a versatile application and online platform designed to facilitate the processes of creating, distributing, grading, and analyzing assessments for educators. 

3. Project Essay Grade (PEG)

Project Essay Grade by Measurement Incorporated (MI), is a great automated grading software that uses AI technology to read, understand, process and give you results. By the use of the advanced statistical techniques found in this software, PEG can analyze written prose, make calculations based on more than 300 measurements (fluency, diction, grammar, construction, etc.), and obtain results that look very similar to what a human analyzer would get – reliability and validity.

4. ETS e-Rater Scoring Engine

This application is an automated writing evaluation engine that can easily automate the evaluation of your essays. This software uses a combination between human raters and Artificial Intelligence capabilities to offer fast and clear results. This tool can also be used in a variety of learning contexts, such as in classrooms and presentations. It can be used to generate individualized feedback or can be used to batch process the essays your students presented.

5. IntelliMetric

IntelliMetric is another great AI-based essay-grading tool with written prompts scoring capabilities regardless of the writing degree. You can drastically reduce the time needed to evaluate student and professional writing without compromising accuracy. IntelliMetric helps you improve time management by authorizing numerous writing prompt submissions with exhaustive adaptive feedback.

6. Knowledge Analysis Technologies (KAT)

KAT is another great automated essay-grading software that is based on decades of research. This application can produce consistent and accurate automated results and easily integrate with a wide range of third-party services. Inside KAT, you will find the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) feature, which allows you to compare semantic similarities between words, passages, or even larger texts.

Save Time While Grading Schoolwork — Join 30,000+ Educators Worldwide & Use EssayGrader AI, The Original AI Essay Grader

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 30,000+ educators worldwide. On average it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, with EssayGrader that time is cut down to 30 seconds That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. 

With EssayGrader, Teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics (so AI doesn't have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria)
  • Setup fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our Essay summarizer 

Primary school, high school, and even college professors grade their students' essays with the help of our AI tool. Over half a million essays were graded by 30,000+ teachers on our platform. Save 95% of your time for grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds. 

Get started for free today!

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